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#244: Ian Dunican, PhD – Sleep & Impact of Weight Cutting

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Guest BioIan Dunican, PhD Ian is currently the Director and Principal Consultant of Melius Consulting and has a PhD from the University of Western Australia (UWA), where he worked with elite sporting organisations/athletes to optimise sleep, recovery and performance. He is also the Director of Sleep4Performance and an Adjunct Researcher at Monash University, Australia. Ian has worked with elite and highly trained athletes at the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS), West Australian Institute of Sport (WAIS), professional teams in Super Rugby, Australian Rules Football, Basketball, Swimming, Ultrarunners and Martial Arts such as Boxing, & MMA. He is an ultrarunner, completing over …

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#242: Jake Mey, PhD, RD – How Much Sugar is Too Much?

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Guest BioJacob Mey, PhD, RD Jake is a registered dietitan and a human nutrition researcher. His work focuses on diet, muscle & metabolism. He is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Integrated Physiology and Molecular Medicine at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center. He is also a contractor in Inflammation and Immunity research at the renowned Cleveland Clinic. In This Episode We Discuss Understanding evidence-based research Can sugar, without caloric excess, still have detrimental health effects? Cleveland Clinic study: effect of wholegrains vs. refined grains on glucose metabolism How much sugar counts as a ‘high intake’? At what intakes we see issues Insulin …

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#241: Elise Facer-Childs, PhD – Circadian Phenotypes, Brain Function & Athletic Performance

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Guest BioElise Facer-Childs, PhD Elise Facer-Childs is currently a Research Fellow at the Centre for Human Brain Health at the University of Birmingham. She has done research on sleep, circadian rhythms and neuroimaging. She works with human participants to uncover the impact that our body clocks can have on brain structure and function, genetics, physiology and performance. Elise has presented her research at an International Conference for the European Biological Rhythms Society (EBRS)/World Chronobiology Congress (WCC) and has given presentations at the UK’s largest circadian conferences (UK Clock Club). In This Episode We Discuss Understanding circadian phenotypes Neuroimaging (fMRI) to …

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SNR #240: Erica Goldstein, RD – Exercise-Associated Anemia, Hepcidin Activity & Implications for Athletes

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Guest BioErica Goldstein, RD, MS Erica is a registered dietitian, currently completing a PhD at the University of Central Florida in Orlando. Previously she was employed as a Clinical and Sports Dietitian at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida, where Erica provided individual sports nutrition consultation to endurance and team sport athletes, in addition to providing care and educating oncology patients in the hospital. She has a M.A. in Exercise Science and Health Promotion from FAU, in addition to a B.S. in Nutrition and Dietetics from UNF. She is also a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist with the NSCA, and a Certified Sports Nutritionist …

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#223: Prof. Christopher Gardner – DIETFITS Trial 2018: Low-Fat vs Low-Carb Weight Loss Diets and Effect of Genotype and Insulin Secretion

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Guest BioProf. Christopher Gardner, PhD Prof. Gardner is the Director of Nutrition Studies at the Stanford Prevention Research Center and a professor of medicine at Stanford University. He received his PhD in Nutritional Sciences at the University of California, Berkeley in 1993. His postgraduate training included a postdoctoral fellowship in cardiovascular disease epidemiology at Stanford. Dr. Gardner is passionate about two central questions that keep him up at night and get him to jump out of bed most mornings. The first of these is: What can people eat and drink (or avoid/limit) to optimize their health? Most of his past …

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#221: Should Resistance Training be Prescribed in Medicine? – Jordan Feigenbaum, MD

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Guest BioJordan Feigenbaum, MD Jordan Feigenbaum is an experienced strength coach who also has his medical degree and residency training. In addition to a veritable laundry list of credentials, Jordan is also an elite powerlifter.   In This Episode We Discuss Benefits of strength training for health Why aren’t recommendations to do resistance training not more widespread in medical practice? Misinterpretation of evidence-based practice Is it better to recommend people do “any exercise they like” or persuade them to strength train? Links & Resources Barbell Medicine Barbell Medicine YouTube channel Jordan’s Instagram

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#217: Israel Halperin, PhD – Combat Sport Science, S&C Coaching & Motor Learning (Guest Hosted by Ciaran O’ Regan)

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Special guest host Ciaran O’ Regan interviews Dr. Israel Halperin about research and application of S&C coaching. Guest Bio Israel Halperin, PhD Israel is a post-doctoral researcher at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Israel completed his PhD at Edith-Cowan University, Australia in conjunction with the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS). His research centered on the effects coaching feedback has on the performance of resistance trained subjects and combat sport athletes. Israel spent the 3 years working with the four Olympic Combat sports in the AIS Combat Centre as a sport scientist. Over the years Israel has trained many world-class combat sport athletes as an S&C and …

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SNR #216: Andy Morgan – Experiences & Philosophies of a World-Class Coach

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Share this episode on Facebook Episode 216: Andy Morgan is back on the show to discuss a whole host of topics related to coaching, fitness and learning. How to Listen Listen on Spotify Listen on iTunes (iOS) Listen on Stitcher Get podcast RSS feed Click Here to Get Podcast Transcripts Guest Bio Andy Morgan Andy is the founder of and an online coach. He co-authored the Muscle & Strength Pyramids books along with Dr. Eric Helms and Andrea Valdez. He has published a host of excellent nutrition and training resources in the form of ebooks, articles and podcasts, which can be …

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SNR #215: Andy Galpin, PhD – Science to Practice, Technology and Adaptation to Stress

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Share this episode on Facebook Episode 215: Dr. Andy Galpin of CSU Fullerton talks about blending evidence and practice, as well as the potential beneficial and detrimental roles of technology for making training decisions. How to Listen Listen on Spotify Listen on iTunes (iOS) Listen on Stitcher Get podcast RSS feed Click Here to Get Podcast Transcripts Guest Bio Andy Galpin, PhD Andy is a tenured Professor in the Center for Sport Performance at CSU Fullerton. Andy spent 4 years studying the structure and function of human skeletal muscle at the single cell level, a feat which earned him a PhD in Human Bioenergetics …

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SNR #214: Marty Kendall – Optimising Nutrition Through Nutrient Density

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Share this episode on Facebook Episode 214: Marty Kendall How to Listen Listen on Spotify Listen on iTunes (iOS) Listen on Stitcher Get podcast RSS feed Click Here to Get Podcast Transcripts Guest Bio Marty Kendall Marty writes articles over at his site There he has created a framework for eating for health, which focuses on three primary parameters: 1) energy density, 2) nutrient density, and 3) insulin load. In This Episode We Discuss: The 3 components of Optimising Nutrition: energy density, nutrient density and insulin load What diets are better or worse from a nutrient density perspective How context changes the requirements …

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SNR 213: Greg Potter – Chronobiology & Chrononutrition (Research Breakdown)

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Chronobiology researcher Greg Potter is on the podcast to breakdown two recent research studies in the area of chronobiology and chrononutrition. Guest Bio Greg Potter, PhD Greg is currently just finishing up his PhD at the University of Leeds in the UK. His research focus on chronobiology; looking at circadian rhythms, light-dark cycles and the potential for meals to entrain peripheral circadian clocks. Two Research Papers Examined in this Episode: Paper One: Stothard et al., 2017 – Circadian Entrainment to the Natural Light-Dark Cycle across Seasons and the Weekend Paper Two: McHill et al., 2017 – Later circadian timing of food intake is associated …

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SNR #212: Mike Zourdos, PhD – Drop Sets, Cardio for Lifters & Understanding Research as Conceptual

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Subscribe to MASS (Monthly Applications in Strength Sport) Episode 212: Dr. Mike Zourdos of Florida Atlantic University breaks down two recent strength training-related research papers. How to Listen Listen on Spotify Listen on iTunes (iOS) Listen on Stitcher Get podcast RSS feed Click Here to Get Podcast Transcripts Guest Bio Mike Zourdos, PhD Michael (Mike) C. Zourdos, Ph.D, CSCS: Mike is an Assistant Professor in Exercise Science at Florida Atlantic University with a specialization in strength and conditioning and skeletal muscle physiology. He earned his Ph.D. in Exercise Physiology from The Florida State University (FSU) in 2012 under the guidance of …

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SNR #211: Brianna Stubbs, PhD – Ketogenesis, Metabolism and Ketone Ester Supplementation

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Share this episode on Facebook Episode 211: Brianna Stubbs, PhD discusses some of the peer-reviewed research she has published on ketone metabolism and ketone ester supplementation. How to Listen Listen on Spotify Listen on iTunes (iOS) Listen on Stitcher Get podcast RSS feed Click Here to Get Podcast Transcripts Guest Bio Brianna Stubbs, PhD In 2016 Brianna completed her PhD in Metabolic Biochemistry at Oxford University. She also became a World Champion rower as part of the GB Rowing Lightweight Women’s four person crew, and won 3 other World Rowing Championships medals. She has published peer-reviewed studies looking at ketone metabolism, …

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SNR #210: Prof. Tim Noakes & Martin MacDonald – Carbohydrate Intake, Insulin Resistance & Body Fat Regulation

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Share this episode on Facebook Episode 210: Open discussion between Prof. Tim Noakes and Martin MacDonald on the topic of carbohydrates, insulin resistance and body fat. Listen on Spotify Get the podcast on iTunes (iOS) Get the podcast on Stitcher (Android app) Get podcast RSS feed Click Here to Get Podcast Transcripts Guests Tim Noakes, PhD Prof Noakes obtained an MBChB degree in 1974, an MD in 1981 and a DSc (Med) in Exercise Science in 2002. In the early 90s, Noakes teamed up with Morné du Plessis to drive the founding of the Sports Science Institute of South Africa …

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SNR #209: Amy Bender, PhD – Sleep Better: Practical Evidence-Based Recommendations

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Sleep researcher Dr. Amy Bender discusses the most current evidence-based recommendations for optimizing your sleep for health and athletic performance. Guest Bio Amy Bender, PhD Dr. Bender is the Clinical Program Director of Athlete Services at the Centre for Sleep & Human Performance and is also an adjunct professor of Kinesiology at the University of Calgary. She received her PhD and Master of Science degrees in Experimental Psychology from Washington State University in Spokane, WA specializing in sleep EEG. Her current research focuses on the relationship of sleep and recovery on athletic performance in Canadian National Team athletes. Her research …

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#208: Herman Pontzer, PhD – Constrained Energy Expenditure Model & the Evolutionary Biology of Energy Balance

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Evolutionary biologist Dr. Herman Pontzer of Hunter College discusses the model of constrained energy expenditure and the metabolic adaptations that accompany high levels of physical activity. Guest Bio Herman Pontzer, PhD Dr. Pontzer is an associate professor at the Department of Anthropology, Hunter College & City University of New York. He is an evolutionary biologist with a PhD in Biological Anthropology from Harvard University. He has published seminal work in the area of energetics, including viewing human energy expenditure via a model of constrained total energy expenditure. He s truly a world-class leader in this field and has been repeatedly recognized …

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SNR #207: Alex Ritson – Research: Dynamic Fat Loss Rules & High vs. Low Reps

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Share this episode on Facebook Episode 207: Alex Ritson is on the show to dive into two recent recent papers; one investigating the theories of dynamic fat loss models, and the other looking at the effect of low-rep vs. high-rep training for hypertrophy and strength. Get the podcast on iTunes (iOS) Get the podcast on Stitcher (Android app) Get podcast RSS feed Click Here to Get Podcast Transcripts Guest Bio   Alex Ritson Alex is a part of the online nutrition and training coaching company Lean Body Performance as the nutritionist and co-founder. He has gained certification with the International …

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SNR #206: Alessandro Ferretti – Blood Glucose, HRV & Inflammatory Response to Diet

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Share this episode on Facebook Episode 206: Nutritionist Alessandro Ferretti discusses data he has collected that may inform us as to the inflammatory response to diet and lifestyle, using markers such as blood glucose, heart rate variability and Alessandro’s metric of “HRV/BG Index”. Get the podcast on iTunes (iOS) Get the podcast on Stitcher (Android app) Get podcast RSS feed Click Here to Get Podcast Transcripts Guest Bio Alessandro Ferretti Alessandro graduated from the Institute of Optimum Nutrition in 2001 and formed Equilibria Health Ltd in 2004. With a growing team of Nutritionists and a Medical Doctor, Equilibria Health is now …

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SNR #205: Brandon Roberts, PhD – Muscle Physiology & Bodybuilding Case Study (Research Breakdown)

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Share this episode on Facebook Episode 205: Brandon Roberts, PhD gets into the details of two recent research papers pertinent to the area of muscle hypertrophy. Get the podcast on iTunes (iOS) Get the podcast on Stitcher (Android app) Get podcast RSS feed Click Here to Get Podcast Transcripts Guest Bio Brandon Roberts, PhD Brandon has a PhD in Muscle Biology and is currently a Postdoctoral Fellow researching muscle physiology related to hypertrophic adaptations. He is a published author or peer-reviewed research. In addition to his prowess in academia, Brandon is well-respected and experience in the practical side of things; …

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#204: Greg Nuckols – Research Breakdown: Concurrent Training & Fat Free Mass Index

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Click here to subscribe to MASS Episode 204: Greg Nuckols is on the show to review two recent research papers; one looking at concurrent training and the interference effect, and the other looking at the fat-free mass index in athletes. Guest Bio Greg Nuckols Greg Nuckols is the founder of, a website that provides comprehensive information about how to get stronger and more jacked. Greg has over a decade of experience under the bar, and a BS in Exercise and Sports Science. He’s held 3 all-time world records in powerlifting in the 220 and 242 classes, and is pursuing graduate …

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SNR #203: Arthur Lynch – FFM for Strength & HMB vs. Leucine

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Episode 203: Arthur Lynch, PhD candidate at the University of Limerick, is on the show to break down two important research papers. Get the podcast on iTunes (iOS) Get the podcast on Stitcher (Android app) Get podcast RSS feed Click Here to Get Podcast Transcripts Guest Bio Arthur Lynch, PhD Candidate Arthur is an exercise physiology PhD researcher and international-level competitive lifter in the IPF. He is head powerlifting coach at Sigma Nutrition. His current research is based on HMB supplementation and anabolism. Research Papers Discussed In This Episode: Study #1: Brechue & Abe, 2002 – The role of FFM accumulation and …

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SNR #202: Andrea Valdez: Insights About Coaching, Training & the Fitness Industry

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Episode 202: 3D Muscle Journey coach Andrea Valdez discusses her background as an athlete, the transition to bodybuilding coaching, battling with feeling inferior and the current state of the fitness industry. Get the podcast on iTunes (iOS) Get the podcast on Stitcher (Android app) Get podcast RSS feed Click Here to Get Podcast Transcripts Guest Bio Andrea Valdez Andrea Valdez has been an athlete her entire life. As a former competitive gymnast and long-time coach in the sport, she developed a discipline and respect for the powers that strong minds and bodies can achieve. This led her to continued success …

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SNR #201: Eric Helms, PhD – Anabolic Sensitivity & High-Protein Bulking [Research Breakdown]

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Click here to subscribe to MASS Episode 201: Eric Helms, PhD of Auckland University of Technology is on the podcast to breakdown two interesting research papers. We look at a paper on protein overfeeding and another on the effect of body fat on anabolic sensitivity. Get the podcast on iTunes (iOS) Get the podcast on Stitcher (Android app) Get podcast RSS feed Click Here to Get Podcast Transcripts Guest Bio Eric Helms, PhD Coach, athlete, author, eductor and researcher, Eric has been involved in the fitness industry since the early 2000’s. For the better part of his career he’s been …

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SNR #200: Saturated Fat Panel Discussion – Nadolsky, Guyenet, Masterjohn & Dieter

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Share this episode on Facebook Episode 200: Our 200th episode is a special and unique one with an in-depth panel discussion on the topic of saturated fat. On the panel are Dr. Spencer Nadolsky, Stephen Guyenet PhD, Chris Masterjohn PhD and Brad Dieter PhD. Get the podcast on iTunes (iOS) Get the podcast on Stitcher (Android app) Get podcast RSS feed Click Here to Get Podcast Transcripts The Panellists 1) Dr. Spencer Nadolsky Dr. Nadolsky is a a board certified family and obesity medicine physician. He is known for being extremely passionate about using exercise and lifestyle interventions as medicine, where possible. …

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SNR #199: Ciaran Fairman – Exercise-Oncology: Effects of Exercise in Cancer Treatment & Survivorship

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Share this episode on Facebook Episode 199: PhD researcher Ciaran Fairman of Ohio State University discusses the field of exercise-oncology and how exercise is helping cancer patients/survivors at all stages of the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation. Get the podcast on iTunes (iOS) Get the podcast on Stitcher (Android app) Get podcast RSS feed Click Here to Get Podcast Transcripts Guest Bio Ciaran Fairman (PhD can.) Ciaran Fairman, M.S. is currently working on his doctorate in the Kinesiology program at The Ohio State University. Ciaran received his M.S. in Kinesiology from Georgia Southern University, working in the Human Performance laboratory, and holds several …

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SNR #198: Richard Nikoley – Ketosis: A Call For for Context & Sanity

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Share this episode on Facebook Episode 198: Richard Nikoley of Free The Animal discusses the need for some sanity to be brought to the discussions surrounding ketosis. Guest Bio Richard Nikoley Richard Nikoley is the man behind the blog Free the Animal, which as of 2016, contains over 4,000 posts and 100,000 comments from readers. He has written about his learnings on health, diet, and lifestyle. In This Episode We Discuss: Discussions around ketosis Calorie-deficit induced ketogenic diet vs. nutritional ketosis at calorie balance Anti-lipolytic nature of ketones Inaccurate claims about ketosis and ketogenic diets Hierarchy of factors influencing body composition Links & Resources …

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SNR #197: Kyle Mamounis, PhD – Fatty Acid Metabolism & Implications for Health

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Share this episode on Facebook Episode 197: Researcher Kyle Mamounis Get the podcast on iTunes (iOS) Get the podcast on Stitcher (Android app) Get podcast RSS feed Click Here to Get Podcast Transcripts Guest Bio Kyle Mamounis, PhD Kyle J. Mamounis, has a doctoral degree in nutritional science from Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey USA. He is currently a researcher at University of Central Florida in Orlando. His primary research interest is investigating the effects of fatty acids on energy balance regulation. He maintains a science blog with posts on his research interests, reviews of science magazine articles and general cellular …

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SNR #196: Rob Wildman, PhD – Nutrient Timing & the 24-Hour Approach to Workout Nutrition

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Share this episode on Facebook Episode 196: Researcher and registered dietitian Dr. Rob Wildman discusses the importance of viewing performance and recovery nutrition as a 24 hour process, rather than hyperfocusing on the workout “window”. Get the podcast on iTunes (iOS) Get the podcast on Stitcher (Android app) Get podcast RSS feed Click Here to Get Podcast Transcripts Guest Bio Rob Wildman, PhD Dr. Rob Wildman, PhD, RD is Chief Science Officer for DYMATIZE Enterprizes in Dallas, Texas. Dr. Wildman is the author of four books including Sports & Fitness Nutrition and The Nutritionist: Food, Nutrition & Optimal Health. He has …

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#195: Brendan Egan, PhD – Exogenous Ketone Supplementation

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Episode 195: Dr. Brendan Egan of Dublin City University discusses the current research on exogenous ketone supplementation for athletic performance and recovery. Guest Bio Brendan Egan, PhD Brendan holds a position as Senior Lecturer in Sport and Exercise Physiology in the School of Health and Human Performance at Dublin City University. His current research investigates the molecular regulation of skeletal muscle function and adaptation across the life course, with special interest in the synergy between nutrition and exercise interventions to optimise performance in athletes and elderly. He received his BSc Sport and Exercise Science from the University of Limerick in …

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#194: Daniel Davey – Applied Performance Nutrition for Team Field Sports

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Episode 194: Leinster Rugby performance nutritionist Daniel Davey discusses how to apply evidence-based nutrition practices with team sport athletes in elite-level sport. Guest Bio Daniel Davey Daniel received his BSc in Science from University College Dublin and holds an MSc in Nutrition, Physical Activity & Public Health from the University of Bristol. Daniel is also a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (C.S.C.S) with the NSCA, and has completed the national qualification in Exercise and Health Studies. Daniel has worked as a performance nutritionist with a host of elite athletes in a range of sports such as golf, athletics, rugby and …

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SNR #193: Lyle McDonald – Nutrient Partitioning & Fuel Utilization

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Share this episode on Facebook Episode 193: Lyle McDonald returns to talk about issues around nutrient partitioning and whether we can  Get the podcast on iTunes (iOS) Get the podcast on Stitcher (Android app) Get podcast RSS feed Click Here to Get Podcast Transcripts Guest Bio Lyle McDonald Lyle is the author of the Ketogenic Diet, the Rapid Fat Loss Handbook and the Guide to Flexible Dieting. He has been interested in all aspects of human performance physiology since becoming involved in competitive sports as a teenager. Pursuing a degree in Physiological Sciences from UCLA, he has spent almost 20 years …

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#192: Shona Halson, PhD – Recovery Strategies for Elite Performance

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Episode 192: Australian Institute of Sport recovery physiologist Dr. Shona Halson discusses her exciting work look at performance, fatigue and immunity in elite athletes. Guest Bio Shona Halson, PhD Dr Shona Halson is the Senior Recovery Physiologist at the ‪Australian Institute of Sport and an Associate Editor of the International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. Her work involves providing athletes with advice and assistance to minimise fatigue and maximise recovery, she is responsible for conducting applied research to evaluate techniques to reduce fatigue and increase recovery. Shona has worked closely with the Australian Dolphins and their specific preparation for …

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#190: Mike Israetel, PhD – Nutrition Considerations for the Strength Athlete

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Episode 190: Mike Israetel, PhD discusses the relative importance of carbohydrates for strength athletes, planning nutrition periodization for strength athletes and how to structure mesocycles for strength gain. Guest Bio Mike Israetel, PhD Mike Israetel is currently a professor of Exercise Science at Temple University in Philadelphia, as well consulting nutritional and training for elite strength and combat athletes around the world. Mike is the head science consultant for Renaissance Periodization, where he has authored and co-authored a number for books. He has a PhD in Sport Physiology from East Tennessee State University, and on the sporting side has experience …

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SNR #188: Barbara Oakley, PhD – How to Learn, Study & Get Better With Science

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Share this episode on Facebook Episode 188: Barbara Oakley, PhD of the University of Oakland discusses the science of how we learn and lessons for implementing this into our lives. Get the podcast on iTunes (iOS) Get the podcast on Stitcher (Android app) Get podcast RSS feed Click Here to Get Podcast Transcripts Guest Bio Barbara Oakley, PhD Barbara Oakley is a Professor of Engineering at Oakland University. She is involved in multiple areas of research, ranging from STEM education, to Engineering education, to learning practices. Most recently, Professor Oakley has co-created and taught Learning How To Learn: Powerful mental tools …

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SNR #187: Katie Anne Rutherford – The Importance of Perspective in Chasing Strength & Physique Goals

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Share this episode on Facebook Episode 187: Katie Anne Rutherford is on the show to discuss her journey in competing in various sports, lessons learned along the way and the importance of perspective in our athletic pursuits. Get the podcast on iTunes (iOS) Get the podcast on Stitcher (Android app) Get podcast RSS feed Click Here to Get Podcast Transcripts Guest Bio Katie Anne Rutherford Katie Anne started her initial athletic endeavours in high school; running track and cross country before transitioning into bodybuilding while attending college at The Ohio State University. Her first contest prep and powerlifting meet both took place in …

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SNR #186: Dr. Jake Kushner, MD – Nutrition for Type 1 Diabetes

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Share this episode on Facebook Episode 186: Paediatric endocrinologist Dr. Jake Kushner discusses type 1 diabetes as a disease, potential nutritional management approaches, and future research that needs to be carried out on the nutritional and lifestyle management of the the condition. Get the podcast on iTunes (iOS) Get the podcast on Stitcher (Android app) Get podcast RSS feed Click Here to Get Podcast Transcripts Guest Bio Dr. Jake Kushner, MD Dr. Jake Kushner is leading the efforts in Diabetes and Endocrinology at Texas Children’s Hospital. Dr. Kushner is a McNair Medical Institute Scholar at the Baylor College of Medicine. …

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#185: Trent Stellingwerff, PhD – Nutrition Strategies for Endurance Sports

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Episode 185: Trent Stellingwerff of the Canadian Sports Institute discusses nutrition for endurance sports, carbohydrate periodization and raceday fuelling. Guest Bio Trent Stellingwerff, PhD Trent is an applied sport physiologist with a specialization in the area of performance nutrition. He earned a Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition and Exercise Physiology at Cornell University and he earned his Ph.D. from the University of Guelph in Exercise and Skeletal Muscle Physiology. In his current role he focuses on providing his physiology and nutrition expertise to Canada’s national rowing, track and field and triathlon teams, as well as leading Canadian Sport Institute’s …

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SNR #184: Uncertainty About Artificial/Non-Nutritive Sweeteners (Listener Question Episode)

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Episode 184: We take a deeper look at artificial/non-caloric sweeteners; effects on bodyweight, glucose tolerance, gut flora and health. What does the evidence say about safety and health concerns? Listen on iTunes (iOS) Listen on Stitcher (Android app) Listen on TuneIn Get podcast RSS feed Links/References: Magnuson et al., 2017 – Critical review of the current literature on the safety of sucralose Bian et al., 2017 – The artificial sweetener acesulfame potassium affects the gut microbiome and body weight gain in CD-1 mice Uebanso et al., 2017 – Effects of Low-Dose Non-Caloric Sweetener Consumption on Gut Microbiota in Mice Suez et al., 2014 – Artificial sweeteners induce …

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SNR #183: Arthur Lynch & Eoghan McNeill – Sports Psychology in Self-Paced/Closed-Skill Sports

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Share this episode on Facebook Episode 183: Sigma coach Arthur Lynch interviews sport psychology PhD researcher Eoghan McNeill of the University of Limerick on applying evidence-based sports psychology techniques to improve performance, particularly in powerlifting and other self-paced/closed skill sports. Get the podcast on iTunes (iOS) Get the podcast on Stitcher (Android app) Get podcast RSS feed Click Here to Get Podcast Transcripts Guest Bio Eoghan McNeill Eoghan is a PhD researcher in the PESS department at the Univeristy of Limerick. Eoghan’s research examines improving performance in self-paced sports (focusing on golf) through psychology techniques and mental preparation. Eoghan has a MSc. …

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#182: Reid Reale, PhD – Research on Water Loading & Making Weight Practices in Combat Sport

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Guest Bio Reid Reale Reid recently completed a PhD, focusing on weight cutting techniques and body composition of combat sport athletes. This work was carried out in conjunction with the Australian Institute of Sport, where research is combined with helping elite level Olympic athletes. Reid has a master’s degree in dietetics and holds Accredited Sports Dietitian and Accredited Practising Dietitian status with Sports Dietitians Australia and the Dietitians Association of Australia respectively.  He won first prize in the “Young investigator award” at the 2016 European College of Sports Science annual congress in Vienna, for his presentation ‘Rapid weight loss in Olympic combat sports’. On the …

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#181: Jeff Nippard – Intuitive Eating, Control-Based Eating & Body Recomposition

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Episode 181: Natural bodybuilder Jeff Nippard discusses an evidence-based approach to intuitive eating, dealing with cravings through an acceptance-based model and how people should view body recomposition in the long-term. Guest Bio Jeff Nippard Jeff is a WNBF Pro Drug-Free Bodybuilder and internationally qualified IPF/CPU Powerlifter in the 74 kg class. He earned the title of Mr. Junior Canada for natural bodybuilding in 2012 under the guidance of Dr. Layne Norton. Prior to earning the Canadian national title, Jeff was a two-time Mr. Junior Newfoundland title-holder for 2009 and 2010. As a powerlifter, Jeff has claimed a 227.5 kg (502 …

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#180: Jason Gill, PhD – Role of Ethnicity in Cardio-Metabolic Disease Risk

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University of Glasgow researcher Dr. Jason Gill discusses some of his work looking at differences in adequate physical activity levels, fitness and BMI targets for different ethnic groups, and how this influences diabetes and other cardio-metabolic disease risk. Guest Bio Jason Gill, PhD Dr Jason Gill is a Reader in Exercise and Metabolic Health in the Institute of Cardiovascular and Medical Sciences at the University of Glasgow. He leads an active multi-disciplinary research group investigating the effects of exercise and diet on the prevention and management of vascular and metabolic diseases from the molecular to the whole-body level. Major research …

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SNR #179: What Interviewing the Best Minds in Evidence-Based Nutrition & Fitness Has Taught Me About Them

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Episode 179: Patterns that I’ve recognised and traits that are common to the best people in evidence-based nutrition and fitness. Listen on iTunes (iOS) Listen on Stitcher (Android app) Listen on TuneIn Get podcast RSS feed Transcript: They Avoid Absolutism In a world where there is no shortage of gurus who resort to the powerful tactic of talking in absolutes, I have seen the opposite be an across-the-board trait in all the experts that I respect and believe to have integrity. These true experts are very careful to place caveats on almost everything they say. “Facts” are only really useful when they are …

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SNR #178: Listener Input, Future Plans & Latest News

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Episode 178: I need your input as a valued listener! I talk through some exciting new plans, ideas and where we as a community should aim to bring this podcast. Please leave your feedback here: Sigma Nutrition Listener Input Get the podcast on iTunes (iOS) Get the podcast on Stitcher (Android app) Get podcast RSS feed  

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SNR #177: Chris & Eric Martinez – Habits, Mentality & the Self-Improvement Side of Fitness

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Share this episode on Facebook Episode 177: Chris and Eric Martinez of Dynamic Duo Training are on the show to discuss the components that comprise the “new era of fitness”. Get the podcast on iTunes (iOS) Get the podcast on Stitcher (Android app) Get podcast RSS feed Click Here to Get Podcast Transcripts Guest Bio Chris & Eric Martinez Chris and Eric Martinez are the founders of Dynamic Duo Training. The twin brothers have the knowledge, the credibility, the passion, the “in the trenches” experience training themselves and clients, and have been mentored under some of the most prestigious coaches in the …

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#176: Eric Trexler – Citrulline & Nitrate Supplements for Performance

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Eric Trexler of UNC-Chapel Hill discusses some of the research on citrulline malate, dietary nitrates, beetroot/pomegranate extract and other nitric oxide “boosters” and how they may impact performance in various sports. Guest Bio Eric Trexler Eric is a PhD student at UNC Chapel Hill, under Dr. Abbie Smith-Ryan. He has a research focus on how exercise and nutrition affect metabolism, performance, and body composition. Eric comes from a background in natural bodybuilding, powerlifting, and strength coaching, and currently holds certifications in sports nutrition (CISSN) and strength and conditioning (CSCS). Eric completed his undergraduate degree at The Ohio State University, and …

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#175: Prof. Klaas Westerterp – Metabolism, Energy Expenditure & Weight Regulation

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Guest Bio Klaas Westerterp, PhD Prof. Klaas Westerterp is Professor of Human Energetics at Maastricht University. His field of expertise is energy metabolism, physical activity, food intake and body composition, and energy balance under controlled conditions and in daily life. He is member of the Editorial Board of the journal Nutrition and Metabolism (London) and European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, and Editor-in-Chief of the European Journal of Applied Physiology. In This Episode We Discuss: Assessing energy expenditure using doubly labelled water Defining PAL (physical activity level) Average PAL in the population vs. upper levels seen in humans Effect of factors like …

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SNR #174: Jorn Trommelen – Carbohydrate Oxidation During Exercise & Pre-Sleep Protein

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Share this episode on Facebook Episode 174: Researcher from Maastrict University, Jorn Trommelen is on the show to discuss his research on the effect of glucose/fructose on carbohydrate oxidation during exercise and the effect of pre-sleep protein on muscle protein balance. Get the podcast on iTunes (iOS) Get the podcast on Stitcher (Android app) Get podcast RSS feed Guest Bio Jorn Trommelen Jorn earned his MSc in Nutrition and Health with top honors at Wageningen University & Research Centre. He is now pursuing a PhD in Muscle Metabolism at Maastricht University, at one of the leading laboratories in that field. His …

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SNR #173: PJ Nestler – Training Specificity, Fight Conditioning & Pre-/Post-Training Strategies

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Share this episode on Facebook Episode 173: Performance coach PJ Nestler discusses training approaches for combat sport athletes to increase their strength, speed and power so that it actually translates to improved performance in the ring/cage. Get the podcast on iTunes (iOS) Get the podcast on Stitcher (Android app) Get podcast RSS feed Click Here to Get Podcast Transcripts Guest Bio PJ Nestler PJ is a human performance specialist with over a decade of experience preparing top athletes for competition, and a life mission to help athletes and coaches realize their true potential. Over the past ten years, PJ has trained …

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SNR #172: Ben Esgro – Thoughts on Lifting, Obsession and Fitness

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Share this episode on Facebook Episode 172: Ben Esgro returns to give more philosophical thoughts on training, powerlifting, achievement and much more. Get the podcast on iTunes (iOS) Get the podcast on Stitcher (Android app) Get podcast RSS feed Guest Bio Ben Esgro, RD Ben is the founder and COO of De Novo Nutrition. The company has both consulting and supplement branches, based on objective science and ethical practice. Ben is a registered dietitian (RD), as well as having a Masters in Nutrition and Exercise Science (MS) from Marywood University. He has over 6 years experience of coaching and programming for individuals …

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SNR #171: Corey Peacock, PhD – Physical Preparation, Conditioning and Recovery for Elite MMA Athletes

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Share this episode on Facebook Episode 171: Corey Peacock, PhD discusses how he implements science-based practices in the physical preparation of the elite MMA athletes he works with, including Anthony Johnson, Michael Chandler, Matt Mitrione and Rashad Evans. Get the podcast on iTunes (iOS) Get the podcast on Stitcher (Android app) Get podcast RSS feed Guest Bio Corey Peacock, PhD Dr. Corey Peacock is currently serving a dual role as the Head Exercise Physiologist and Performance Coach for MMA’s the Blackzilians fight camp. In this role, he is responsible for contributing physiological evaluations, strength & conditioning, and injury prevention methodologies. His …

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SNR #170: Aadam Ali – Challenging Biases, Nutrition Philosophy & Practical Experiments with Ketogenic Dieting

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Share this episode on Facebook Episode 170: Aadam Ali of Physiquinomics is on to discuss his personal diet experiements, what he learnt and some philosophies on nutrition and training. Get the podcast on iTunes (iOS) Get the podcast on Stitcher (Android app) Get podcast RSS feed Click Here to Get Podcast Transcripts Guest Bio Aadam Ali Aadam writes fitness-related content over at his site Physiqonomics. He writes about his philosophies on nutrition, training and all things physique related. He also self-experiments with different approaches and reports the results. These have included periods of time eating various iterations of a ketogenic …

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SNR #169: Chad Macias – Cancer Metabolism & Caution Over Ketogenic Diet/Ketones

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Share this episode on Facebook Episode 169: Molecular physiologist Chad Macias, of the Institute for Human Kinetics, discusses some limitations of research, issues of misinterpretation and/or inaccurate communication related to research on cancer, nutritional ketosis and the press-pulse method. Get the podcast on iTunes (iOS) Get the podcast on Stitcher (Android app) Get podcast RSS feed Click Here to Get Podcast Transcripts  Guest Bio Chad Macias Chad is currently pursuing post-graduate research in Molecular Oncology. He is in the process of writing a review paper on ketogenic diets and cancer, along with Brad Dieter and Tim Sharpe. Chad has spent …

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SNR #168: Powerlifting Weight Classes, Cutting Weight & Long-Term Thinking – Sigma Team Discussion

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Share this episode on Facebook Episode 168: The Sigma coaching team sit down to discuss issues related to selecting a powerlifting weight class, progression over the long-term and the pros and cons of cutting weight. For more info on the Sigma coaches go here: Get the podcast on iTunes (iOS) Get the podcast on Stitcher (Android app) Get podcast RSS feed Click Here to Get Podcast Transcripts  Links & Resources REFERENCE: Von Loon paper stating skeletal muscle turnover rates of 1-2% per day ARTICLE: Which Weight Class Is Best For You? – Greg Nuckols VIDEO: Sigma Coaching Team Discussion – Process-Based …

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SNR #167: Dom D’agostino, PhD – Traumatic Brain Injury, CTE & Implications for Combat Sport Athletes

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Share this episode on Facebook Episode 167: Dominic D’Agostino, PhD returns to the show to discuss issues related to traumatic brain injury (including CTE) and associations with contact sports such as boxing, MMA and American football. Get the podcast on iTunes (iOS) Get the podcast on Stitcher (Android app) Get podcast RSS feed Click Here to Get Podcast Transcripts Guest Bio Dominic D’Agostino, Ph.D. Dr. Dominic D’Agostino is an Associate Professor in the Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Physiology at the University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine. He is also a Research Scientist at the Institute for Human and …

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#166: Stephan Guyenet, PhD – The Neuroscience of Overeating & Regulation of Calorie Balance

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Guest Bio Stephan Guyenet, Ph.D. Stephan is an obesity researcher, neurobiologist, and author. In addition to his research, he enjoys synthesizing and communicating science for a general audience over at his hugely successful blog. Stephan has a BS. in biochemistry (University of Virginia) and a PhD in neurobiology (University of Washington). He recently published the fantastic book ‘The Hungry Brain’, which dives into the causes of obesity from the perspective of overeating and related brain chemistry. In This Episode We Discuss: What drives us to eat and specifically what drives us to overeat? Why are “trigger” foods different amongst individuals? Smoking …

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SNR #165: Kevin Hall, PhD – Testing the Carbohydrate-Insulin Model & a Response to Gary Taubes

In Podcasts by Danny Lennon5 Comments

Share this episode on Facebook Episode 165: Kevin Hall, PhD of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is on the podcast to discuss his work examining the carbohydrate-insulin model of obesity and responds to recent comments on the issue by Gary Taubes. Get the podcast on iTunes (iOS) Get the podcast on Stitcher (Android app) Get podcast RSS feed Guest Bio Kevin Hall, Ph.D. Dr. Hall is a Senior Investigator in the Laboratory of Biological Modeling at the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). Kevin’s laboratory investigates how metabolism and the brain adapt in response to …

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SNR #164: Dominic D’Agostino, PhD – Press-Pulse Model of Cancer Therapy, Ketones & Metabolic Drugs

In Podcasts by Danny Lennon2 Comments

Share this episode on Facebook Episode 164: Dominic D’Agostino, PhD of the University of South Florida and the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition discusses his lab’s research onto various treatment therapies for cancer including nutritional ketosis, hyperbaric oxygen therapy and metabolic drugs. Get the podcast on iTunes (iOS) Get the podcast on Stitcher (Android app) Get podcast RSS feed Click Here to Get Podcast Transcripts Guest Bio Dominic D’Agostino, Ph.D. Dr. Dominic D’Agostino is an Associate Professor in the Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Physiology at the University of South Florida Morsani College of Medicine. He is also a …

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SNR #163: Mental Limitations to Making Progress

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Share this episode on Facebook Episode 163: Danny discusses some mental limitations to making progress. Namely they are: being unwilling to embrace the mundanely uncomfortable, an inability to invest in the long-term process and being unwilling to “do the work” without constant validation. Get the podcast on iTunes (iOS) Get the podcast on Stitcher (Android app) Get podcast RSS feed Click Here to Get Podcast Transcripts  Links & Resources The War of Art – Steven Pressfield VIDEO: Sigma Coaching Team Discussion – Process-Based Progress, Coachability & Other Stuff  VIDEO: Tracking Metrics With Sigma Coaching Clients Sigma Weight Cutting System for MMA & Boxing Enjoy this …

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SNR #162: Andrew Chappell, PhD – Examining Contest Prep Strategies Followed by Natural Bodybuilders

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Episode 162: Andrew Chappell, PhD of Sheffield Hallam University is on the show to discuss preliminary data looking into different nutritional strategies followed by natural bodybuilders. Get the podcast on iTunes (iOS) Get the podcast on Stitcher (Android app) Get podcast RSS feed Click Here to Get Podcast Transcripts Guest Bio Andrew Chappell, PhD. Andrew is a Pro Natural Bodybuilder who has been training and competing for over 10 years. He competes with the Drug Free Athletes Coalition in professionally sanctioned contests and is previously a five time British Champion with the British Natural Bodybuilding Federation as well as a …

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SNR 161: Rob Lipsett – Building a Physique, Staying on Track When Travelling & Lessons from Competing

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Share this episode on Facebook Episode 161: Dublin-based coach and fitness entrepreneur Rob Lipsett is on the show to discuss his journey, philosophies and work with clients. Get the podcast on iTunes (iOS) Get the podcast on Stitcher (Android app) Get podcast RSS feed Click Here to Get Podcast Transcripts  Guest Bio Rob Lipsett is a personal trainer, physique competitor and fitness entrepreneur. Rob has built a loyal following based on giving insights into his own training and lifestyle, blended with handing out solid evidence-based information. In This Episode We Discuss: Lessons learned from competing in natural physique competition Advice for …

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SNR #160: Tools That Have Been Invaluable to My Life

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Share this episode on Facebook Episode 160: Danny discusses tools that have been invaluable to him in life across 5 categories: non-nutrition books, tracking, creation, living life and asking yourself questions. Get the podcast on iTunes (iOS) Get the podcast on Stitcher (Android app) Get podcast RSS feed Click Here to Get Podcast Transcripts Links & Resources Stumbling on Happiness – Daniel Gilbert The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life – Mark Manson The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck (Blog Post) The Compound Effect – Darren Hardy Bar Sense …

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SNR #159: Phil Graham – The Diabetic’s Guide to Muscle, Fat Loss & Fitness

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Share this episode on Facebook Episode 159: Author of the Diabetic Muscle and Fitness Guide, Phil Graham, returns to the show to discuss how diabetics should eat and exercise if they want to gain muscle, lose fat or be healthy, without having their condition hold them back. Get the podcast on iTunes (iOS) Get the podcast on Stitcher (Android app) Get podcast RSS feed Guest Bio Phil Graham is the author of The Diabetic Muscle & Fitness Guide. Phil, a type 1 diabetic since his teenage years, has established himself as a highly respected competitive bodybuilder, performance nutritionist and personal trainer …

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SNR #158: Alex Ritson – Adaptive Thermogenesis, Thrifty Genes & Hedonic Eating

In Podcasts by Danny Lennon2 Comments

Share this episode on Facebook Episode 158: Alex Ritson dives into the metabolic adaptations that occur with dieting (and overfeeding), the implications of this for the dieter and how this can explain the differences between individuals in their response to a diet. Get the podcast on iTunes (iOS) Get the podcast on Stitcher (Android app) Get podcast RSS feed Click Here to Get Podcast Transcripts   Alex Ritson   Alex is a part of the online nutrition and training coaching company Lean Body Performance as the nutritionist and co-founder. He has gained certification with the International Society of Sport Nutrition, been a published author …