The relationship between coffee and health is complex, encompassing areas like blood lipids, cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative diseases, anxiety, and depression. Coffee has an interesting nutrient profile and contains diverse bioactive compounds that influence metabolism.
#512: Alzheimer’s Disease – Drs. Ayesha & Dean Sherzai
What role does lifestyle play in Alzheimer’s risk, and is there evidence supporting the influence of specific nutrients on cognitive health?
#438: Diet, Brain Health & Cognitive Function
Some cognitive decline is normal with age. However, more significant cognitive decline is primarily due to disease-induced dementias (such as Alzheimer’s Disease). It also results from neurodegenerative disorders and chronic, prolonged degeneration of our neuronal pathways and functions.
Drug discovery for dementias have been largely unsuccessful, leaving no good treatments for this collection of diseases. This had led to research examining areas that may aid in preventing (or more accurately, slowing) cognitive decline.
In this episode the Sigma team look at the published data on a variety of nutrients, foods and dietary patterns, including: vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, caffeine, flavanoids, coffee and green leafy vegetables.
Can Gut Bacteria Impact Our Mood?: Examining the Gut-Brain Axis
Can the bacteria in our gut impact our mood? This Sigma Statement examines the evidence on this interaction, including a discussion of what we know about the gut-brain axis.
#406: Polyphenols & Cognitive Health
In this episode we discuss the potential impact of dietary polyphenols on cognitive health; including cogitnitve funciton, memory, and risk of dementia and Alzeimher’s. We talk about some potential mechanisms, cohort studies, and then direct controlled trials.
#276: Nick Gant, PhD – Neurometabolism: Brain Function, Fatigue & Nutritient Interventions
Nick Gant is Director of the Exercise Neurometabolism Laboratory at the University of Auckland. We discuss nutrients and the brain.