#537: Appetite Regulation, Metabolic Compensation and More – Stephan Guyenet, PhD

In Podcasts by Danny LennonLeave a Comment


This is an “ask me anything” (AMA) episode, which means a world-class expert and past podcast guest comes on the podcast to answer questions submitted by you, our podcast listeners. This episode was originally published on Sigma Nutrition Premium. If you’re interested in subscribing to Sigma Nutrition Premium, then check all the details here.

Expert in this Episode

Stephan Guyenet, PhD

Stephan Guyenet spent 12 years in academia studying neurodegenerative disease and obesity neuroscience. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the Univeristy of Washington, studying the neuroscience of obesity and eating behavior. Previous to that he completed a PhD in neuroscience.

Stephan is the author of the popular and well-received book ‘The Hungry Brain‘, which lays out the science behind the brain’s role in obesity.

Questions Answered

  1. [04.27] If we surgically remove adipose tissue, do leptin levels suddenly drop? How would this impact hunger over time?
  2. [06.56] How does chronic energy restriction (or following a crash diet) affect long-term appetite regulation?
  3. [13.21] How do anorexia and pronounced obesity defy the rules of metabolic compensation?
  4. [24.12] Why do some SDRIs (serotonin–dopamine reuptake inhibitors) reduce hunger/appetite?
  5. [28.02] Can an algorithm really decipher someone’s “ideal weight?
  6. [33.08] Could the “brain microbiome” impact appetite regulation and/or obesity?
  7. [35.34] In our current environment, are the only efficacious interventions drugs and bariatric surgery?
  8. [46.01] What should we make of claims by Gary Taubes about insulinogenic foods?
  9. [52.37] Is there a maximum duration someone should spend in fat loss (or weight gain) phases?
  10. [53.43] Why do some people struggle to gain weight?

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