#505: Oslo Diet-Heart Study: Cholesterol-lowering Diets & Cardiovascular Events

In Podcasts by Danny LennonLeave a Comment

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  1. Introduction
  2. Co-Hosts for this Episode
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    • Detailed Study Notes
    • Transcript


The Oslo Diet-Heart Study was one of the earliest randomized controlled trials to explore the relationship between diet and heart disease. It aimed to investigate the impact of dietary interventions, specifically the reduction of saturated fat intake and an increase in polyunsaturated fat intake, on cardiovascular health.

The Oslo Diet-Heart Study involved 412 men who had already suffered a myocardial infarction 1-2 years before the start of the intervention.

Despite some known limitations, the Oslo Diet-Heart Study played a role in shaping early understanding on the relationship between dietary fat, cholesterol levels, and heart disease. Subsequent research and larger studies have contributed to a more nuanced understanding of the complex factors influencing cardiovascular health.

In this episode we discuss why this trial is important in the history of diet-heart research and how it connects to other seminal work in the field.

Co-hosts for this Episode

Dr. Alan Flanagan has a PhD in nutrition from the University of Surrey, where his doctoral research focused on circadian rhythms, feeding, and chrononutrition.

This work was based on human intervention trials. He also has a Masters in Nutritional Medicine from the same institution.

Dr. Flanagan is a regular co-host of Sigma Nutrition Radio. He also produces written content for Sigma Nutrition, as part of his role as Research Communication Officer.

Danny Lennon has a master’s degree (MSc.) in Nutritional Sciences from University College Cork, and he is the founder of Sigma Nutrition.

Danny is currently a member of the Advisory Board of the Sports Nutrition Association, the global regulatory body responsible for the standardisation of best practice in the sports nutrition profession.

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