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#425: Prof. Anna Krylov – When Ideology Hurts Scientific Discourse

In Podcasts by Danny Lennon4 Comments

Prof. Anna Krylov is a Professor of Chemistry at the University of Southern California (USC), working in the field of theoretical and computational quantum chemistry.

Krylov is active in the promotion of gender equality in STEM fields.

In June 2021 she published a paper, “The Peril of Politicizing Science,” has received over 75,000 views (as of February 2022) and is the all-time highest-ranked article in the Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (impact factor of 6.5).

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#365: David Robert Grimes, PhD – Conspiracy Theories & Bad Information: Why Are We Susceptible?

In Podcasts by Danny Lennon1 Comment

Guest InformationDavid Robert Grimes, PhD Dr. David Robert Grimes is a physicist, cancer researcher and a science journalist. In addition to his cancer research, he has also published peer-reviewed work on conspiracy theories, meta-research and health modelling. Dr. Grimes is the author of the fantastic book The Irrational Ape: Why We Fall for Disinformation, Conspiracy Theory and Propaganda. And given his keen interest in advancing the public understanding of science, he contributes to several media outlets discussing science, politics and society. He appears frequently on news media to discuss and debate topics as diverse as vaccination to climate-change, and gives …