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#422: Psychobiotics – Can Probiotics Improve Mood-related Disorders?

In Podcasts by Danny LennonLeave a Comment

In this episode the Sigma team discuss the research looking at ‘psychobiotics’; i.e. probiotics that have health impacts on those with pyschiatric disorders or symptoms. They discuss the origins of the research, the gut-brain axis, mechanisms by which gut microbiota could impact mood, and then the human trials to date that have examined probiotics’ effects on mood, anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder and other outcomes.

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#351: Prof. Glenn Gibson – Human Gut Bacteriology, Prebiotics & Probiotics

In Podcasts by Danny LennonLeave a Comment

Listen on these AppsPodcast TranscriptsGuest InformationProf. Glenn Gibson, PhD Glenn Gibson is Professor of Food Microbiology at University of Reading. He has been researching bacteria in the gut for over 30 years. Together with his colleague Marcel B. Roberfroid, both researchers coined the term prebiotics in their 1995 paper. He has published over 450 research papers and 8 books. He currently researches acute and chronic gut disease, with specific projects on probiotics and prebiotics, gas production, gut microbiota development, gastroenteritis, obsesity and colonic homeostasis.In this episode we discuss: Prof. Gibson’s role in coining the term “prebiotic” Is there any reason …