#525: Cholesterol-Lowering Medication – Dr. Paddy Barrett

In Podcasts by Danny LennonLeave a Comment

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Cholesterol-lowering medications, particularly statins, play a pivotal role in reducing low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and apolipoprotein B (apoB) concentrations, which are causal markers in atherosclerosis development. The efficacy of these medications is well-documented, with numerous clinical trials demonstrating substantial benefits in reducing cardiovascular events and improving overall mortality rates.

Despite the robust evidence supporting the benefits of cholesterol-lowering medications, there are various misconceptions and misunderstandings regarding their use. One common myth is that these drugs are unnecessary for those without overt cardiovascular symptoms, ignoring the preventative benefits for at-risk individuals.

Concerns about side effects, such as muscle pain, liver damage, and cognitive impairment, are often exaggerated. While side effects are possible, they are typically mild and manageable. Regular monitoring and adjustments by healthcare providers can help mitigate any adverse effects, ensuring that the benefits of reducing LDL-C and apoB far outweigh the risks.

In this episode, preventative cardiologist Dr. Paddy Barrett discusses the different types of lipid-lowering medications, their mechanisms of action, the side effects that may occur, and the misconceptions about the drugs that are unfortunately widespread.

Guest Information

Dr. Paddy Barrett, MB BCh BAO

Dr. Paddy Barrett is a preventative cardiologist based in Dublin, Ireland. Having previously trained in world-class centres in New York, California and Sydney, he is an internationally recognised expert in heart disease prevention and cardiovascular risk management.

His work focuses on the prevention of cardiovascular disease with the goal of extending lifespan and improving quality of life. Dr. Barrett has a particular interest in cholesterol management, metabolic syndrome and lifestyle approaches to cardiovascular health.


  • 00:14 Introduction
  • 03:26 Dr. Barrett’s Background
  • 04:50 What is “Lipid Lowering”?
  • 05:30 Overview of Lipids and Atherosclerosis
  • 09:58 Setting Targets for Lipid Levels
  • 15:52 Medications for Lowering LDL and ApoB
  • 20:12 Statins: Types, Effects, and Side Effects
  • 35:38 Addressing Concerns and Misconceptions
  • 42:47 Future of Lipid Lowering Therapies

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