Recommendation: Muscle & Strength Pyramids (2nd Edition)

Perhaps one of the most often quoted concepts within evidence-based nutrition and training circles to illustrate a hierarchy of factors for body composition are Eric Helms’ “pyramids”.

The two Muscle & Strength pyramids that Dr. Helms orignally created (one for training, one for nutrition), describe the underlying principles of training and nutrition that influence body composition, in a clear hierarchy of importance.

That concept was then refined and fleshed out into an astounding pair of books, with the help of co-authors Andy Morgan and Andrea Valdez.

Those books became my primary recommendation for those asking for book suggestions on mainpulating body composition.

And as I’ve said publicly several times over the past couple of years, if I could pick just ONE book on nutrition that I wish I read when I was just getting interested in nutrition well over a decade ago, then I can totally honestly say that this would be it.

And now it gets even better…

At the start of 2019 the second edition of the books have been released!

And after getting to read through the new editions I can tell you there are some serious updates, changes and additions. The book I thought was close to perfect just got considerably better.

To get the full details of the books just click here.

See Full Book Details

Note: At no extra cost to you, I will get a small kickback if you do decide to purchase the books. But rest assured, I would happily continue to recommend them without any incentive (as I have been doing for over two years!)