How to Confidently Critique Nutrition Research

Have you ever wondered “How can I tell if this study is credible or flawed?” or “Is this a good or bad study?”

Have you been left confused with who to trust after hearing claims supported by generic phrases like “studies show…” or “research says…”?

Now there is a resource that allows you to go beyond such issues and finally feel confident and comfortable in reading and interpreting nutrition research.

Applied Nutrition Literacy is a comprehensive, structured course that leave you confident and highly-skilled in your critical appraisal of nutrition studies.

Developed by Dr. Alan Flanagan and Danny Lennon, the course is not only has a structured, progressive explanation of all the crucial concepts you need to know, but it is also full of real examples of study critiques.

The result is that you will finish the course with a rock-solid understanding that will remain with you.

How to Critique Nutrition Research with Confidence and Competence

Nutrition is a challenging and complex area of research, with many unique considerations when interpreting studies.

In the era of pop-science podcasts, social media misinformation and pseudoscientific influencers, developing critical and scientific literacy has never been more important.

For practitioners, nutrition research literacy is essential for decision-making grounded in the best available evidence.

For the wider public, scientific literacy is crucial for questioning the validity of claims and popular trends.

This course gives you the tools you need to achieve this.

You Will Learn How To:

  • Become a true scientific and critical thinker
  • Comprehensively understand research designs, methodologies, and terminology
  • Critically appraise nutrition studies of varying design, with real confidence
  • Skillfully interpret research findings and apply them in context

Course Syllabus

Module 1: Being a Scientific Thinker

1.01: What is Science?
1.02: What is a Scientific Thinker?
1.03: What is “Evidence”? What is “Scientific Proof”?
1.04: The Scientific Process
1.05: Falsification
1.06: Transparency & Bad Science
1.07: Structure of a Research Paper

Module 2: How to Read Research Effectively to Inform Practice

Module 3: Becoming Comfortable with Common Statistical Methods

Module 4: Considerations for Interpreting Nutrition Research

Module 5: Nutritional Epidemiology

Module 6: Randomised Controlled Trials and Mendelian Randomisation

Module 7: Meta-Analysis

Module 8: Mechanistic Research and Animal Models

Enroll in Course

Enrollment window:
Weds. 26 February – Fri. 7 March 2025

The next course cohort starts on Sunday 9 March 2025

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer a student discount?

When does the enrollment period end?

Do I get immediate access?

What is the course schedule/timing?

Who is this course for?

How much does the course cost?

Do I have to attend live lectures?

Can I ask questions during the course?

How are the modules structured?